Contemporary Fusion Oriental Dance

Established in May 2013, The BellaDonnas offers modern oriental dance classes with a strong alternative fusion flavour…

With the emphasis on continuous growth and building a good vocabulary of strong technique, the aim is always to have fun and to constantly fall in love with the dance form!


Dive into the World Of Oriental Dance

Belly dancing is a wonderful way to improve your fitness levels and increase your self confidence in a fun, social environment.

Some of the health benefits of belly dancing:

Improved circulation

Improved suppleness

Increased joint flexibility

Deeper breathing, therefore better oxygenation of blood

Potential aerobic exercise – burns fat, raises metabolism and improves resting heart rate

Relaxing and calming, reduces stress

Eases PMT symptoms

Tones all major muscle groups & reduces cellulite – legs, thighs, calves, gluteals, abdominals, upper arms, back

Prepares major muscle groups for pregnant women to assist the birthing process


Past Events​

Some of the events we’ve participated in and co-organised

0 +
years of Oriental Dance Experience
0 +
years Teaching Oriental Dance
years co-organising the Cape Town Oriental Dance Festival